Thursday, December 16, 2010

LIC's Jeevan Anand

What does LIC's Jeevan Anand Offer you ?

  1. Sum Insured + Bonus Accrued For the Policy Term chosen + Additional Sum equal to the Sum Insured whenever you are not alive, on your surviving the premium payment term you have chosen (5 to 57 years),
  2. Sum Insured + Bonus accrued in case you do not outlive the premium payment term you have chosen ( 5 to 57 years)
  3. Loan against surrender value at 9.00% per annum simple interest,
  4. An additional sum of Rs 5 Lakhs in case of fatal accident whenever it occurs upto 70 years of age for which you pay no premium,
  5. Term Cover Rider against extra
Why Should You Invest On LIC's Jeevan Anand ?
  1. Under this plan, your nominee is assured of the face value of the policy on your death whenever it occurs. Your premium payment however is limited only for the term chosen (5 to 57 years).
  2. On surviving the PPT chosen, you will receive your entire policy proceeds that includes the sum you have insured + bonus accrued till then,leaving a very small amount with which you are given an extended life insurance coverage that lasts till you are alive.
  3. From income-tax point of value also, you stand to gain quite a bit through LIC's Jeevan Anand investment like other Life Insurance Plans. While the premium paid qualifies for Section 80 C benefit within the overall limit of Rs 1 Lakh per annum allowed for various savings, policy proceeds received by you on surviving the PPT chosen are free from income-tax under section 10(10D) of the I.T Act.
  4. Policy loans available under the plan offer you additional investment facilities without effecting any of the policy privileges.
These are some of the prominent reasons why you should invest on LIC's Jeevan Anand as much as you can.

How Long You need to Invest On
LIC's Jeevan Anand ?
  • 5 to 57 years ceasing at death, if it occurs early.
What are the Modes of Investment available under LIC's Jeevan Anand ?
  • Yearly, Half-yearly or Quarterly or Monthly.
Want to know more about LIC's Jeevan Anand or want to invest on the plan ?
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  • Finally, we can chat online also.

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